Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crafts in Chelsea was a hit!

I've been swamped - so here's a quick update...

My first craft show was such a success! I couldn't be happier with how it wall turned out! Loads of friends came in waves which really helped attract attention to my booth. It was freezing but DIDN'T RAIN so everyone was interested in handmade warming up items.

Thanks to everyone who stopped and shopped, my amazing friends, The New New etsy group (especially Lenny Mud, Nordea's Soaparie and Groundsel), my partner in crochet crime...Tepperwear, and my fantastic partner in everything Mr. Dominguez. I couldn't have done it without all of you!

I know I'm making a big deal out of all of this, but it was my first time, so I'm geekishly excited.

Here's a few pictorial highlights!

My booth!

John Berno and one of my lovely dance partners in the back Tim Hughes

Cute KID! She grabbed this headband and wouldn't let it go! That's a felted recycled sweater rose

This is how I started my day. I couldn't believe my eyes! A CRAFT ADVISORY??? Yes!


Kristin Quinn said...

How wonderful Molly!! Your business has grown so much from last year. I still want to buy some jewelry!! Seriously I'm not just saying that :)

Molly Made said...

Thanks lady! I need to start making jewelry again! I guess that can be more of my summer line : )

Simone said...

Hey Molly, thanks for the shout out. It was a fantastic day, wasn't it?